Non-Marijuana Plants that Contain Cannabinoids

There is no question that marijuana has attracted the attention of the world being among the most valuable plants in the world in terms of medicinal use. However, do you also know that there are also other spices and herbs that contain cannabinoid, the substance that is active in cannabis? It is a chemical compound that works by interacting together with the regulatory system of our body. Such a system is also referred to as the endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for the maintenance of the process called homeostasis within the body. The process is what maintains the internal balance needed for optimum health conditions.

The following are some of the non-marijuana plants that also contain cannabinoids:

Acmella Oleracea (Electric Daisy)

This plant is also called as the toothache plant and native to Amazon. It is so strong that it plays a huge role in pain killing. As a result, it can easily be made into a very effective painkilling gel. According to trials done on this plant, this plant is very successful when it comes to blocking the pain receptors at the brain’s nerve endings. There are cannabinoid like compounds present in this plant, also known as N-Isobutylamides which acts on the CB2 receptor, thus making this flower a great inflammation fighter and powerful painkiller. As a matter of fact, this plant has now been considered as a dentists’ choice when it comes to dealing with very painful conditions such as impacted wisdom teeth.

Echinacea – Coneflower

Echinacea comes with medicinal uses which are both far reaching and well known. As a matter of fact, it has the power to do a little bit of almost everything, including providing relief to symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, migraines, arthritis, as well as other ailments, including common colds. It is quite interesting that these are also the very same conditions that are also being treated by marijuana. Upon further studies, it has been found out that there are certain specifies of Echinacea that contain cannabinoids. Specifically speaking, they also contain cannabimimetics. They are quite different from the ones present in marijuana, but they also work with the endocannabinoid system. The cannabinoids found in Echinacea mostly interact with CB2 receptor of the brain, the one responsible for the regulation of pain, immune system, as well as inflammatory response.

Helichrysum Umbraculigerum

This type of daisy is known to be indigenous to places in South Africa. It is known to contain huge cannabigerol (CBG) levels. CBG is known to have mood stabilizing, antidepressant, as well as anti-inflammatory properties. According to a recent lecture at the International Cannabinoid Research Society, it was discussed that helichrysum was used in the same way as hemp in order to create fumes common in ritual ceremonies. It has also been suggested that plant compounds may contain a psychotropic impact which is quite similar to that of cannabinoids.

Radula Marginata – Liverwort

What makes this plant interesting is the presence of THC like compound in its core. This plant is common in New Zealand, and is filled with a huge amount of a substance called perrottetinenic acid. It was found to be amazingly similar to THC. As a matter of fact, it is also expected to work with the CB1 receptor, which serves as the main binding site for the THC substance, and what gives this compound all of its psychoactive effects. However, as of the time of recording, there are no psychoactive effects found in this liverwort variety. However, based on history, this variety has already been used as natural treatment for medical conditions such as bronchitis, including liver, gallbladder, as well as bladder problems. This gives the hint that this plant does have medicinal value.

Theobroma Cacao – Chocolate

In the marijuana world, it has been believed that if you eat dark chocolate before smoking, you can improve your high. This is basically because chocolate contains a certain variety of compound which interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This substance, also called as FAAH, is somewhat similar to the non-psychoactive CBD found in cannabis. FAAH is the compound which is responsible for the ultimate breakdown of a certain endocannabinoid which is known as anandamide within our bodies. This is also the reason why we feel relaxed, happy, and in good mood. While chocolate is not really somewhere near the potency introduced by the psychoactive properties of THC, it still creates an impact on the body and brain, which is more than expected.

There are several other plants that contain cannabinoids. This is good news to the modern community because unlike cannabis, there are no set restrictions in the use of these plants. With this said, they can be further studied in order to find out their potential uses, especially in the medical world.

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