How to Grow Weed in a Solo Cup?

How to Grow Weed in a Solo Cup?

Having a few plants growing at home is a great way to save money on your next batch of marijuana. You can grow your own weed using just a solo cup and some supplies from the garden store. Follow this guide to learn how to grow weed in a solo cup!

Supplies needed

To start, you’ll need a Solo cup and some water. Fill the cup about halfway up with room-temperature tap water and let it sit for 15 minutes to allow any chlorine in the water to dissipate.

Next, add 4 tablespoons of soil (or some other growing medium) to your Solo cup. Mix in a few drops of water at a time until the soil is moist but not soaked through—it should feel damp like a wrung-out sponge when you squeeze it between two fingers. You can also use an organic potting mix instead of soil, which has fertilizer already mixed in; this might be preferable if you want an easier grow without having to buy fertilizers separately. Finally, place three weed seeds onto paper towel and fold over into a tent shape so they cannot escape:

Solo Cup Preparation

Now that you have your Solo cup and grow kit all ready to go, it’s time to prepare your cup.

  • Clean the cup with hot water and soap, then dry it thoroughly.
  • Cut off the bottom of the cup so that it can stand upright on its own (you’ll use this piece later).
  • Make a hole in the bottom of the cup with a pair of scissors or an X-Acto knife by cutting around its circumference until you’ve made an opening large enough for your growing medium to fit through (you’re going to plant some seeds!). You should also make two holes in either side of where you made one big one so that when you stand up your solo cup after planting, water can drain out from inside without spilling over onto anything else nearby like soil or carpeting (and trust us: there are few things more frustrating than trying tidying up after spilling weed everywhere). Be sure not cut through any plastic piping!
  • Cut another hole near where these first two were made; this time with a drill bit size appropriate for whatever hanger type material being used as well as any additional accessories such as reflectors or lights.”

What strain should I grow?

When choosing a strain of cannabis to grow, it’s important to consider the following:

  • Choose a strain that is easy to grow. This can save you time, money and effort. You’ll want something that grows well in small spaces like solo cups.
  • Choose a strain that is known for its potency. You may want something strong enough to keep you awake (or make you sleepy) depending on what your needs are at the time.
  • Choose a strain that is known for its high yield (the amount of product it produces). Generally speaking, if you’re growing indoors, smaller plants will produce smaller yields than larger ones; however, this may not always be the case since some strains have been bred specifically for compact size but still produce large quantities of quality bud!

Prepare your soil

Now that you’ve got your Solo cup, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. Make sure your soil is light and fluffy. It should be well aerated and moist, but not wet. If you don’t have access to organic soil, try adding in some worm castings or composted leaves to help with drainage and aeration. The goal is for your soil to be free of chemicals (including fertilizers) and bugs like worms or grubs that might eat your roots when you transplant them into the grow medium!

Lastly: no matter what type of seeds you use for this project, make sure they’re sterile so they don’t grow mold or fungus inside the cup—that would ruin everything!

Germinating marijuana seeds

To germinate a marijuana seed, you must first soak it in water for 24 hours. After soaking, plant them in soil and label the seed, container and pot with a Sharpie marker before you put them into your Solo cup.

Planting your cannabis seeds

With your growing medium chosen, it’s time to choose a seed. The two main types of seeds are regular and feminized. Regular seeds will produce both male and female plants, while female seeds only produce females. If you plan on smoking that bud yourself, then feminized seeds are ideal. However, if you’re planning on selling your product or want to grow large quantities of plants, then regular seeds may be the way to go since they’ll give you more options.

Once your soil is soaked and moistened with nutrients (if applicable), sprinkle the cannabis seeds evenly across the surface of the soil before covering them with just enough dirt so they aren’t exposed anymore than they need to be–you don’t want them sitting higher than their environment allows! Then place all pots inside a warm area where there will be plenty of sunlight throughout each day for around four weeks until sprouts appear

Watering your plant and the vegetative stage

Watering your marijuana plant is not as simple as it sounds. You’ll want to water your cannabis regularly, but not too much—and the exact amount of water each plant needs will vary from strain to strain.

The key to watering correctly is consistency: make sure you’re giving your plants their required amount of water every day or two so that they never dry out completely. If you notice that one side of a particular leaf is drooping lower than another (or if there’s a brown spot), this could be evidence that either you are under-watering the plant or over-watering it–it might even be both! In these cases, try increasing or decreasing how much water you give them accordingly until they look healthy again.

The flowering stage (budding)

After you have grown your marijuana plant, you may be wondering how to tell when it is ready to be harvested. There are many ways to determine if your cannabis is ready for harvesting. Some of these include:

  • The pistils on the female buds will turn brown and look like little hairs sticking out from the buds. This usually takes about 8-12 weeks after flowering has begun.
  • If you look at a bud from above and notice that it looks “furry,” this means that it’s ready for harvesting because it has begun to mature into a new leaf growth pattern that looks like fur growing off of them (this happens when there is no more room for new leaves).
  • When looking at your plant from above, take note of how many leaves appear on each side—if there are 15 or more, then it’s time to harvest!

How long does it take to grow weed in a solo cup?

The time it takes for a marijuana plant to grow from seedling to fully mature, harvestable cannabis depends on the strain and how well you take care of them. In general, most strains of cannabis can take anywhere from 2-6 months to grow. Some plants may be ready as soon as 4 weeks while others may take up to 6 months!

It’s important to understand that there are different types of growing systems that growers use, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. If you’re just starting out growing your own weed at home or trying it for the first time and don’t want any hassle with complicated equipment or setups then I would recommend using a solo cup! This method will give beginners like myself an easy way into the world of home-grown marijuana without having too much upfront costs.”

This is a simple method of growing weed that any beginner would find useful. This method is for growing weed in a solo cup.


If you want to grow weed in a solo cup, this is the perfect method for you! It is easy to start with and you don’t need any special equipment as long as you have some basic supplies on hand. Also, this process does not take too long so it can be done over the weekend or during holidays when there isn’t much else going on in your life. You just have to make sure that everything goes smoothly so your plants stay healthy throughout their growth period until harvest time arrives which can take anywhere from 2 months up until 6 months depending on how fast they grow under optimal conditions; however most likely it will fall somewhere in between 4-5 weeks if growing indoors without natural light sources such as sunshine/sunshine lamps needed during that period of time before reaching maturity level where harvesting occurs later on after flowering stage has finished producing buds all around outer branches leaves once again turning green coloration! Good luck growing all types of cannabis strains using these instructions:)

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