Does Rain Wash Away Trichomes?

Does Rain Wash Away Trichomes?

Growing cannabis is a challenge, and there are many obstacles that you’ll have to overcome. As with any crop, there’s always something that can go wrong. You might have poor weather or a pest problem or maybe your plants just didn’t produce enough resin to make it worth your while—either way, growing weed takes patience and perseverance. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years as a pot farmer, it’s this: don’t let inclement weather destroy your outdoor harvest!

Does Rain Wash Away Trichomes?

It depends, rain can be a blessing and a curse to your outdoor cannabis plants.

Rainwater is necessary to help the plant grow healthy and strong, but too much rain can cause some serious damage. Rain can wash away trichomes (the crystals that contain THC) on the surface of your plant, which not only affects its taste but also causes mold growth. If you’re trying to get buds ready for harvest, this could ruin all of your hard work! It’s better off just letting nature take its course in terms of humidity levels – there are ways you can prevent mold from appearing later on down the line if you want an alternative approach than just letting it happen naturally

What is Trichomes

The trichomes are the tiny hairs on the marijuana plant that contain cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds that interact with your body to create a high. They are often thought of as “crystals” or “sugar,” but they actually form an outer layer of resin on the leaves and buds of the marijuana plants.

Trichomes Produce a Resin that Helps Protect Against Damage

Trichomes are the resin-producing glands on cannabis plants. These trichomes produce a sticky, resinous substance called “kief” that can be collected and used to make hash or other concentrates. The main source of cannabinoids like THC and CBD (which give you those wonderful effects you love), trichomes also protect against damage by preventing ultraviolet light from entering the leaf tissues beneath them.

Cannabis Can Become Moldy and Rot If it Sits in Wet Conditions too Long

Mold spores are everywhere, but they’re not always harmful. When mold spores land on organic matter like cannabis, they can grow and cause problems if the conditions are right. If you have a lot of moisture in your grow space and it stays there for too long, that wet environment creates an ideal breeding ground for mold spores to flourish.

The most common type of fungus that grows on marijuana is called Botrytis cinerea or gray mold (also sometimes known as “flower rot”). This particular species is dangerous because it feeds off the sugars found in plants like cannabis and can easily spread from one plant to another via contaminated soil or water used for irrigation purposes.

Marijuana Growers are in a Constant Battle with the Weather to Protect their Buds.

Since the cultivation of cannabis is still illegal in most places, growers must protect their crops from all sorts of weather conditions. The last thing a grower wants is for his or her harvest to be ruined by mold or mildew due to bad weather. In addition, growers must also protect their plants from pests like whiteflies and spider mites that can destroy a cannabis crop in less than 24 hours.

To prevent this from happening, marijuana growers have come up with an array of strategies that help them combat bad weather conditions during the flowering phase (when buds are visible on cannabis plants).

There are some things you can do to protect your crop from inclement weather:

If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain, there are things you can do to protect your crop from inclement weather.

  • Add drainage holes in the bottom of the tent. This will help prevent water from pooling on top of the soil and drowning your plants.
  • Use a fan to circulate air and dry out the tent as much as possible. If you don’t have one already, consider buying one—it’ll be worth it if it saves even just one plant!
  • Use a dehumidifier (or two!) to remove moisture from the air inside your grow tent or indoor garden area. You may also want to consider adding fans near each dehumidifier so they can blow some circulation into the area around them, too.

Consider Growing Indoors or in a Greenhouse, Grow Tents Instead

When Weather Threatens your outdoor harvest one of the best ways to control your harvest is to grow indoors.

Indoor growers have much more control over their environments, which allows them to create the perfect conditions for trichome production. They can regulate light cycles, temperature, humidity and air flow as well as water cycles like harvesting or flushing.

If you have an indoor grow, it’s perfectly dry inside whenever you need it to be.

There is no risk of mold, rot or pests. You also can’t get damaged by weather. You can control the temperature, humidity and light cycles to your heart’s content—which means there is no threat from Mother Nature.

Grow Tents are inexpensive and come with everything you need to create a thriving indoor garden.

Growing indoors is a great option for those who do not have a lot of space to grow their own cannabis plants. It’s also the perfect option for someone who wants to control all environmental factors, like temperature and humidity. Indoor growers who use grow tents can also control light exposure by simply attaching hangers or lamps above the plants as needed.

Grow tents are inexpensive and come with everything you need to create a thriving indoor garden: lights, fans, filters…you name it! And if you want to try your hand at growing organic weed without using pesticides or chemicals (because let’s face it — they aren’t good for people), then all you need is some fertilizer made specifically for cannabis plants.

Growing Indoors Gives You More Control Over Every Aspect Of Cultivation

Growing indoors also gives you more control over every aspect of cultivation. You can control the temperature, humidity, and light cycles—and that means you can make sure they’re ideal for producing trichomes. You can also control the nutrient levels in soil and the pH levels of water so that they’re optimal for growing cannabis plants. This allows you to create an environment where plants grow quickly without any issues like pests or diseases affecting them.

Because it’s so easy for growers to have full control over their growing environment when growing indoors, many choose this option because it allows them to produce large quantities of high quality weed at a low cost per ounce compared with outdoor growing methods.

With so many strains, it can be difficult to know which one is best for you. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Top-shelf cannabis is grown indoors and requires a lot of attention. It doesn’t need as much care as lower quality cannabis, but it does require at least four months in a grow room before harvest.
  • Clones are the easiest way to get started growing your own top-shelf cannabis because they come with roots already established, so they can start growing right away! Clones also have less variation between plants than seeds do, making them more likely to produce a good harvest each time you plant them (although this isn’t always true).


Growing cannabis outdoors has its benefits, but there are also risks you should consider before planting your seeds. If you have access to a greenhouse or indoor grow space, these options may be more suitable for your needs.

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